Writing Rules

Marmara University Journal of Art and Design article template can be downloaded from the link below. Articles should be written/edited on the template and uploaded to DergiPark in MS Word Format (.doc or .docx) and without specifying the author's name anywhere in the article, including the file name. Information about the author should be uploaded separately as a title page.

Click here for the article template.

Click here for the title page template.

Citations: Within the text, in APA 7 format. For detailed information, you can visit APA's webpage: https://apastyle.apa.org/
References: It should be given at the end of the article, in APA 7 format, in alphabetical order, letters should be in 12 pt, line spacing should be 1.
Footnote: It should be numbered in parentheses in the text and given as a footnote at the end of the article.

Spelling: It should comply with the spelling rules stipulated by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and the Turkish Language Association.
Number of Pages: Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages including references and appendices.
Research Support: If the research was supported by any institution, it should be indicated at the end of the article.
Graduate Thesis Articles: If the article is prepared from a Master's or Proficiency in Art thesis or by quoting from these theses, it should be indicated as a footnote in the article.
Figures and tables: For photographs, figures or tables taken from another source or the internet, a letter of permission must be obtained from the publisher / relevant author and added to the article, and where they were taken should be written in parentheses.

Similarity Report: Similarity reports of the articles submitted to the journal should be obtained using iThenticate or Turnitin programs and uploaded to the system. The similarity rate should not exceed 20%.