Articles accepted to publish

Articles accepted to publish in the following issues

Sekerci, Y., Kahraman, M U., (2024), Dreaming of Better Spaces: Environmental Psychology in Students' Redesign of Interior Architecture Studios, Journal of Design Studio, V.6, N.1, pp 5-30 _ PDF

Kucukersen, F., Gokdemir, G., Ucar, U.E., (2024), Design Students’ Affordance-based Messages in an Undesigned Design Studio, Journal of Design Studio, V.6, N.1, pp 31-46. _ PDF

Atik, D., (2024), Book review; “From Tradition to Cittaslow TARAKLI”, Journal of Design Studio, V6, N1, pp x-xx _ PDF

Last Update Time: 5/28/24, 7:02:15 AM

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Journal of Design Studio call for research papers on studios in all disciplines. Please submit your article by using Dergipark online submission system.