Writing Rules


Manuscripts prepared to be evaluated in "bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design" should be upload from the Dergipark system.

The required files are as follows:
- Full text of the article (word format) 
- Copyright transfer form
- Statement of responsibility
- Ethics committee approval (if required)

Publishing Principles bāb Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design aims to publish original scientific studies in the fields of architecture, design and planning. bāb Architecture and Design Journal, which is published by Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University, Faculty of Architecture and Design is an international refereed journal and is published twice a year in January and July. The editorial board can increase the publication frequency of the journal. In the scope of the journal, research articles are published mainly on architectural design, urban design, interior design, building technologies and building physics, architectural history and theory, architectural conservation, design and planning etc. Additionally, discussion articles, review articles and opinion articles will take place about architecture and design studies. Manuscripts in Turkish and English are accepted.
Writing Rules
Articles written in two languages, English or Turkish, are accepted for bāb Journal. The preferred writing length for articles is 15 pages long with images and min. 2000 – max. 5000 words, including notes, excluding abstract and bibliography. The fonts and font sizes of the texts should be created by using the styles in the writing template. The first page of the manuscript should include the title of the article, the name, surname, title and institution information of the authors and their email addresses. In addition, only the contact author's full(openX) address and contact number should be specified. If the submitted manuscript is produced from a paper presented before at any scientific meeting, it must be indicated together with the name of the meeting, the date, title of the work and the city where it was organized. Likewise, if the article is produced from a master's or doctorate thesis, it should be indicated with the name, title of thesis, year of the thesis, the university, and the advisor's information. If the manuscript is prepared in the Turkish language, in addition to the information mentioned above, the first page should contain Turkish title, abstract and 5 keywords, the second page should contain English title, English abstract, and 5 keywords in English, and the following pages should contain Turkish full text. If the manuscript is written in English, in addition to the information mentioned above on the first-page, English title, English abstract and 5 keywords in English should be written and the following pages should contain full text in English. Turkish titles and abstracts are not required for English texts. For Turkish texts, the Turkish abstract should preferably be 200 words. For English texts, the abstract should preferably be 200 words.

Direct quotations should be indicated in quotation marks and the page numbers of the relevant section should be given in the cited source. If the quotation is more than 40 words, it should be written in a separate paragraph. This paragraph should be typed in italics in 10 font size and should be indented.

Writting Template can be downloaded from here.

Figures and Chart
Photographs, pictures, diagrams and graphics in the text should be named “Figures" and should be numbered. The first letter of the “figüre text” should be “Capital Letter”.It should continue as “Lower Case”. Schedules and charts should be named “Chart" and should be numbered. (Example: Table 1. Inside the text reference sources). Figure captions should be placed under the figure and chart captions should be at the top.
The figures in the text should be prepared in JPEG format, 300 dpi resolution and the short edge should not be less than 15 cm. The charts in the text should be designed and saved in separate word document files. These figures and charts should be uploaded to the system as separate files as they are in the text.
If the figures and charts used in the article are taken from a different source, the page numbers should be given with the in-text source next to the figure/chart title. If the authors produced them, the year info should be given next to the figure/chart title. Additionally, a note should be specified under the title of “Information / Acknowledgments” at the end of the article: “All figures and charts in the article are produced by the authors in declared year unless stated otherwise”. Images not produced by the authors but in the archive of the authors should be added to the references according to the “Archive documents” category in the referencing styles. If photographs are used in figures and charts, the source should be given in an appropriate way to the in-text source format and added to the bibliography.

Demonstration of Referencing

Referencing Guide can be downloaded from here.